Monday, March 14, 2016


We've been getting hints of spring here in the Chicago area.  I have little bits of green popping up in my flower beds.  Of course, since I didn't live in this house last spring, I have no idea what those bits of green will turn into, but I'm excited to find out.

The weather has been warm then cold then warm again with a bit of rain thrown in for good measure.  March is often this way, but I know that rain is soaking into the ground, waking up the grass and other lovely green things that will make their appearance soon.

But will it be soon enough?  I'm impatient.  I'm ready for warm breezes and sunshine.  For green yards and tulips and daffodils.  For fresh air and open windows.

And yes... I'm even impatient for spring cleaning.

So I'll be here, waiting, impatiently, for spring to finally arrive.


  1. A student stopped me today and said, "LOOK! There is a sign of Spring." So darling as in Southern California all the seasons kind of look exactly alike. What he was noticing was the dandy lions growing in the grass. Some might call them weeds. But to this young man... a second grader... they were a SIGN of something to come. A sign of spring!

  2. I have been feeling impatient for Spring as well. The little yellow flowers in the front of my house popped up this weekend, but it isn't really Spring until the daffodils show up in my yard. We have had similar weird weather in Milwaukee.

  3. I have been feeling impatient for Spring as well. The little yellow flowers in the front of my house popped up this weekend, but it isn't really Spring until the daffodils show up in my yard. We have had similar weird weather in Milwaukee.

  4. I love that everything will be a surprise! That's how I felt when we moved in. Now I know what I have to look forward to. Enjoy!!

  5. Yes! I did a double-take at school today -- just outside the window miniature daffodils seemed to pop out from nowhere. It was marvelous. Tonight pulling into the driveway, I think our 'shoots' were taller than they were this morning. I'm impatient, too.
