Monday, March 10, 2014

A Good Kind of Tired

The first day of school following "spring forward" is always hard, and today was no exception.  I actually slept until my alarm went off instead of waking before it, as is my usual habit.  It seemed like everything I tried to do as I got ready for work this morning went wrong, including spilling my coffee as I was trying to get out the door.

But the sun was shining.

I didn't need the car seat heater as we drove to school.

I was incredibly productive today.  My only break was at lunch.  Though I wasn't in any classrooms today, I used my one day of unscheduled time this week to take care of tasks that I haven't had time to get done and to prepare for the two solid days of meetings that begin tomorrow.

I left school as soon as the car line let up and headed to the car wash.  I was SHOCKED to see the line was only three cars ahead of me... I had been prepared for a much longer line, and was kind of looking forward to sitting in the silent car DOING NOTHING, LISTENING TO NOTHING for about 15 minutes.

My clean-inside-and-out van was worth it.

Tonight I got to see my 9 year old play in her first real band concert.  Let me say... she rocked it on the bass drum!

Looking forward to a great day of learning with my colleagues tomorrow.  I'll be a good kind of tired again, then, too.

Happy Monday!


  1. The shining sun, can change any day around. So glad it was super productive for you.

  2. Sounds like a great day! I love the 'Looking forward to sitting in the silent car.' Thanks for a great post!

  3. No car seat heater either for me. A good way to start the day; spring is coming. Love a productive day!

  4. no car seat heater is certainly a sign of spring! It was snowing when I left my driveway!

  5. Glad you had a productive day even with less sleep. Signs of spring give me added strength, too.
