Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Short Attention Span

It's that time of year when I find myself unable to pay attention to just about anything.  This has become painfully obvious as I've been trying to get caught up with reading my professional journals.  I subscribe to English Journal, Voices From the Middle, Reading Teacher, The ALAN Review, and The Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy.  In addition to those, I also get the journal from the Illinois Reading Council.

As a literacy coach, keeping up with research and new ideas in the teaching of literacy is a major part of my job.  I can't be an effective coach if I'm not continuously learning and sharpening my saw.  I'm usually pretty good about reading my journals as soon as they arrive and marking articles I want to share or go back to.

In March, though, I'm lucky to get through one or maybe two articles before my mind wanders off into thoughts of summer and the warm weather that is right around the corner.  Heck.... I even start thinking about PD and coaching plans for the fall.  Almost anything except for what I should be doing.

This has been a pattern for me for most of my teaching career.  While I can't explain WHY my brain works this way, I can take action and make plans for ways to force myself to complete necessary tasks.  Most of the time it works.

But sometimes......


  1. Everyone hits a slump this time of year! Today, I forced myself to plug through a curriculum writing push a colleague and I are working on. It's hard, because our brains need a break--Spring Break, and this year, for me--it can't come too soon!

  2. I can absolutely relate to this. I have found myself much more distracted lately. It is usually about this time of year that I also start to panic about what else I still want to do with this class and how little time is remaining. Then, I have to remind myself to stay focused and do the best I can and that will be enough. I am impressed with the number of journals that you are keeping up with. Good for you!

  3. I can absolutely relate to this. I have found myself much more distracted lately. It is usually about this time of year that I also start to panic about what else I still want to do with this class and how little time is remaining. Then, I have to remind myself to stay focused and do the best I can and that will be enough. I am impressed with the number of journals that you are keeping up with. Good for you!

  4. Yes! What is it about March? It's weird. I need to refocus myself... and hope I can get back on track!

  5. Mindi, how do you find journal reading helps you grow your practice? I generally get my growth from professional books and discussions with colleagues. But you're making me think about which journals I could benefit from reading. Thoughts? Maybe this is another blog post. :)

  6. Mindi, how do you find journal reading helps you grow your practice? I generally get my growth from professional books and discussions with colleagues. But you're making me think about which journals I could benefit from reading. Thoughts? Maybe this is another blog post. :)
