Sunday, March 24, 2013


Today was my kind of spring break day.  I slept in 'till NINE, which almost never happens except at Kyle & Kris's house.  There are no windows in the room where we sleep, so it is easy to do.

After I woke up and Kyle made breakfast, I settled in here to read...
and I pretty much stayed here all day.  I read two books:  Soulbound by Heather Brewer and Endangered by Eliot Schrefer.  At one point I was covered up with two blankets and all of those pillows.  My nephew wanted me to be nice and cozy, and cozy I was!  It was a cold day here in Baraboo, and I wasn't especially wanting to go outside anyway.

This lazy day was a much needed recharge for my batteries.  At home, I have too many things I need to do; too many errands to run, and too much laundry to do.  Here, I don't feel guilty for not tackling my enormous to-do list.  I can just BE.

Right now, we're all winding down, and Kyle's entertaining the kids by showing them funny youtube videos.  I don't know whether to laugh or be appalled.  The videos aren't any worse than what they show on America's Funniest Home Videos, but I still feel like I shouldn't chuckle.
I think it's time for me to start my THIRD #bookaday.  So I'm signing off.  Hope you all had a relaxing and book-filled Sunday!
(I mean, really, how can I resist reading in front of THAT fireplace?)


  1. Sounds like the perfect day!

  2. Enjoy your lazy break, Mindi! I had a very similar lazy break the week before last. It was exactly what I needed, lots of reading, resting, and recharging.

  3. What a nice lazy day! Enjoy your break.

  4. Gorgeous room! I love all the windows!

  5. Sounds like the perfect way to spend spring break. Enjoy!
