Thursday, March 21, 2013

One Day More

Tomorrow is the last day of school before spring break.  Let me tell you.... it is a much needed break here at the Rench Ranch.  Between playing mom taxi, doing work for my grad classes, keeping up with  the reading for my award selection committees and staying on top of my professional reading, my batteries are beginning to feel a bit run down.  We have a rather low-key break planned.

1.  We are going here:
This is the view of my brother's back yard.  Unfortunately, there is probably still snow in his yard, just hopefully not as much as when this picture was taken over winter break.  There are definitely benefits to driving to beautiful Baraboo to spend a few days:  my kids get to play with their cousins, something they both love and look forward to; Kyle has a massive fireplace in front of which I can relax and read; my sister-in-law Kris is also a book person, so she understands my need to bury my nose in a book; and finally, Kyle is an amazing cook!  Add in the eggs fresh from the chickens in the barn and the bread fresh from the oven, and I'm pretty much on board.

2.  We are going here:
Why, you may ask, would I go to school over spring break?  Well, my office is a mess because I've been too busy to put things away properly.  I have papers I need to file, and I have new book sets to get put into the book wall before our next round of interventions start in April.  During the school day, I get too distracted to take care of the little details that need taken care of, and it's too the point where I almost can't function because of the disorganization.  I'd rather go in for a morning and get things taken care of and then return to school to an organized space.

3.  We are going here:
One of the perks of Dan's job at Table XI is his four-day-a-week chef-prepared lunch.  Dan's lunches always sound so much better than my lunches from the school cafeteria.  I thought it would be fun for the girls and I to take the train downtown and have lunch with their Dad.  Also... I really wanted to get another taste of Chef Aram's cooking.  The guy knows what he's doing.

The rest of the time, we'll be at home, probably cleaning out closets and bedrooms.  I'll also be watching this, probably more than once after my kids are in bed:
So all in all, not a bad plan for the last week in March if you ask me!


  1. Enjoy your spring break! We only have Good Friday and the next Monday for ours. I'm jealous of all the spring breakers who get a week!

  2. Maine has a Feb. and April break. No March. But after April, it is smooth sailing into summer...well, after all the end of year assessments and reports, and packing rooms up...then it's smooth sailing into summer!

  3. I had my last day before spring break today...we were greeted with about a foot of snow. Yikes!

    Looks like you've got a great mix of relaxation and productivity planned. Enjoy!

  4. Good news! After spring break you can cross Baraboo off the list of the Best Small Towns You Need to Visit in 2013...of course, you'll be back...
